Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

School council and Eco-Warriors

This year each class has selected 2 Council members and 2 Eco-Warrior members. I would like to say a huge congratulations to those children selected.

This year the Council and Eco-Warriors are working hard to make our school greener and litter free.

School Council

Welcome to the new School Council! A big well done to all the children who were selected to represent their class this year. The council have held their first meeting and discussed a target to be getting on with. The children are very excited to be involved in the decision of where our clock tower will be located. The children will be carrying out research and speaking to a local historian about the history and significance of the Stukeley Clock Tower. They will be drawing designs to show what they would like it to look like as well as where it will be located on the school grounds. They would also like to design a plaque that includes old photographs and historical information to be displayed somewhere near the clock or within school.  If anyone local has any old photographs or information regarding the clock tower or feels they would be able to support the children in anyway with this endeavour, then please do get in touch!


Term 2

Our Eco-Warriors

Congratulations to the children who have been picked to be this years Eco-Warriors. This year the children will be running a ‘Cut your Carbon Campaign’ and a ‘Litter Picking Campaign’,  as well as helping to water and look after plants and flowers within the school grounds, promoting recycling and saving energy.