Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Kingfishers Class

Welcome to Kingfishers Class. Our teacher is Mrs Biggs.

Autumn Term Newsletter KS1 Home-School Agreement

Autumn 1

The Kingfishers have had a busy term. They have all settled well into Year 1 and have enjoyed learning about our topic ‘Down On The Farm.’


The Kingfishers have continued to learn to read and write using Read, Write, Inc. They have loved listening to a range of stories based on our theme of the farm and they have enjoyed writing simple sentences in Drawing Club.


In maths the children have been counting objects to 10 and practising the correct formation of numerals. They have sorted objects into groups by colour, size and type. They have added using part, part whole models and they have learned to subtract by crossing out and counting back along a number line. They have learned the names of 3D shapes.


This term we have been learning about living things and what living things need to survive. We have looked at where mini beasts live and the different habitats they like. We have thought about how to look after a pet by considering what an animal needs to survive. We sorted animals into different groups and looked at similarities and differences. We investigated the best material to absorb water and investigated which colour collar would be good to use in the dark.


In geography, we have been learning about farming and why Devon is a good place for dairy cows. We know we can get lots of dairy products from cows. We even made and ate cheese on toast! We have looked at where bananas come from and discovered that bananas go on a long journey from the plant to the shop.


In RE, we have looked at God the creator and how Christians are thankful for the things that God gives them. We wrote a prayer to say thank you to God. We went to Church to celebrate our harvest festival. We really enjoyed learning and performing our song ‘Big Red Combine Harvester.’