Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Falcons Class

Welcome to Falcons Class. Our teacher is Mrs Ward.

World War One Newsletter KS2 Home-School Agreement

Autumn Term

To start our new academic year, the first topic the children studied was World War 1. This involved the children focusing on the Western Front, The Trenches, and the Role of Women in the war.  The discussions the children had were very thoughtful and the children seemed to have learnt a lot from it.

In Literacy, we focused most of our work around describing a scene taken from World War 1 and imagining what life was like for a soldier in the trenches.  The children wrote some fabulous pieces of writing on describing the setting and produced some very touching diary entries from a soldier. They were particularly taken with the rats and the lice in the Trenches!  This was apparent in the diary writing they produced.

The main focus of maths this half term was number and place value.  The children have risen to the challenge of their multiplication table challenges, with some of them now completing 120 questions in less than three minutes!

Alongside all of these, the children have also studied Light in Science, Understanding Christianity in RE and looked at silhouettes in Art.