Love others as well as you love yourself. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 22 verse 39

Doves Class

Welcome to Doves Class.  Our teacher is Mrs Cuthbertson.

Autumn Term Newsletter KS1 Home-School Agreement

Doves Autumn Term 2

We had great second term in Doves!


We have continued to explore lots of practical maths. We have worked on addition and subtraction and have started to secure our knowledge of multiplication facts and learning that division facts are the inverse of multiplication.


This term we have been learning about the weather.  We looked at how the weather can be used to tell the time time, show the direction of the wind and make shadows. We have made various things to help us explore the weather, wind spinners and compasses, sun dials, wind socks and measured shadows and how they change over the day.


In history, we looked at famous people throughout time. We learnt about Guy Fawkes and King James I and the reason we remember November 5th. We learnt about Remembrance Day and why we have the minutes silence. We have also looked at famous women in history and what has made them famous.


In RE, we have asked why Christians celebrated Christmas and the different ways Christians get ready to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. We also performed our Nativity A bundle of Joy in the Church.


In Art, we looked and learnt about some artists that are famous for ephemeral art. Ephemeral art disappears after a time back and goes back to nature. We had a go at making our own ephemeral art.

Day of Hope

We had a really enjoyable day of hope that was interrupted all day by mini dances! We made dancing people, bunches of flowers, travelling rainbows and painted colourful heads to send to Jack.

Party Day

Our KS1 party day was great fun! We got to watch Stickman with a delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows. We used sticks to make our own stickman and played build a stick man. We had a party over lunch time, played great party games and even had a special visitor who brought us all a gift.

Doves Autumn Term 1

We have had a very busy first term in Year 2 and we have been learning so much!


We have been exploring lots of practical maths. We have taken part in lots of investigation and have explored counting in different groups, fractions, multiplication and shape. We have learnt and discovered the properties of 2D shape.


This term we have been learning about living things and what living things need to survive. We have looked at where mini beasts live and the different habitats they like. We have thought about how to look after a pet and even made our own junk model pets. We investigated the best material to absorb water and investigated which colour collar would be good to use in the dark.


In geography, we have been learning about farming and why Devon is a good place for dairy cows. We know we can get lots of dairy products from cows. We even made and ate cheese on toast! We have looked at where bananas come from and discovered that bananas go on a long journey from the plant to the shop.


In RE, we have looked at God the creator and how Christians are thankful for the things that God gives them. We went to Church to celebrate our harvest festival.